
Taiteilija-apurahajärjestelmän toimivuus ja koettu vaikuttavuus - Selvitys valtion taiteilija-apurahan saajista 2002–2005

This study looks at the functionality and effectiveness of the state's working grant system.

Document type


Publication authors

Pauli Rautiainen


Arts Council of Finland

Publishing place and year

Helsinki 2006



The study has two parts. The first part contains statistical analyses of all artists who obtained a working grant be tween the years 2002 and 2005 (in total 1003 artists). The data has been obtained fr om the joint grantregister of the Arts Council of Finland and the Ministry of Education (Harava-register).

The second part contains the results of the survey based on recipients’ assessments of both the financial and artistic impact of working grants. The study population of the survey consisted of artists whose working grant period began in 2002 or later, and ended before 2006. A questionnaire was sent to a total of 584 working grant recipients and the response rate was 93 per cent.