
Projects within the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise theme (ESF+) strengthen the creative industries and the creative economy, as well as expertise within the arts and culture sectors.
Graphic character stands on one foot with hands in the air surrounded by coloured balls. Text: Creative Net, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, co-financed by the European Union.

Within the national Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise ESF+ theme, projects will be funded that strengthen the creative industries and the creative economy, as well as expertise within the arts and culture sectors. The first application round was in spring 2023. 

Projects selected in the first application round

Luovien alojen projekti- ja kehittämisosaaminen työllistämisen ja työllistymisen tukena 
Applicant: Humak University of Applied Sciences

Applicant: Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Taide, teknologia ja kestävä matkailu -innovaatioalusta
Implementer of the main project: Satakunta University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: University of Tampere Foundation, LAB University of Applied Sciences

Luovat Web3 ajassa 
Implementer of the main project: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: Häme University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Humak University of Applied Sciences

AV UP – Uutta osaamista av-alalle 
Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: City of Tampere, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, City of Turku, Omnia, the Joint Authority of Education in the Espoo region

Tekoäly luovan ja kulttuurialan ekosysteemissä – LuovAIn!
Implementer of the main project: University of Turku Implementers of sub-projects: University of Oulu, LAB University of Applied Sciences, University of Tampere Foundation

Tuottajakeskus Living Lab
Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Humak University of Applied Sciences, Live FIN ry

Kuvataiteilijan uusi työ- ja ansaintakenttä 
Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences Implementers of sub-projects: University of Lapland, Globe Art Point ry

Implementer of the main project: Rytmi-instituutti Supporters’ Association Implementers of sub-projects: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences


Contact information for funding authority

Minna Taipale, Financing Specialist, ELY Centre for Häme minna.taipale(at), +358 (0)295 025 106

Kuvituskuva. Kolme violettia hahmoa vierekkäin.

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