Attachments for subsidy applications

Check the call for applications to see what attachments you should include with your application. For positive subsidy decisions, the attachments required for clarifications are specified in the decision letter, which should be given to the person responsible for the community’s accounting.

Cost centre report

A cost centre report is an accounting report for the realised income and expenses of the subsidised project or activity covering the entire subsidy period. If the realised income and expenses of the subsidised project or activity must be reported for a specific cost centre, this will be stated in the conditions and restrictions stipulated in the decision letter. The cost centre report should be named according to the intended project or activity, not according to the funding party (the name must be something other than Taike). Subsidies, income and expenses must be recorded in the list of accounts to separate account numbers so that Taike can evaluate all relevant income and expenses.

Important note about special subsidies: Taike’s special subsidies cover the deficit produced by the subsidised project. The deficit is calculated by deducting other subsidies and income from the project from the eligible expenses. If the amount of the Taike subsidy is greater than the actual deficit, the surplus must be repaid to Taike in accordance with Section 20 of the Act on Discretionary Government Transfers. If the surplus is not rapid voluntarily, the amount will be subject to recovery procedures. The subsidised project, therefore, cannot make a profit.

Account-specific income statement and balance sheet

The account-specific income statement and balance sheet are appendices to the financial statements that present the community’s finances for specific accounts. An account-specific income statement is also referred to as a long income statement.

An account-specific income statement is required as an attachment for operational subsidies already in the application phase and as an attachment for both operational and special subsidies in the clarification phase. Account-specific income statements must be provided so that Taike can gain an accurate and sufficient picture of the realised income and expenses of the project or operations.

Financial statements (signed)

Financial statements delivered to Taike must be signed. Financial statements and the management report must be dated and signed by the reporting entity. If the reporting entity is a corporation or a foundation, financial statements and the management report must be signed by the Board of Directors or the responsible partners together with the managing director or another person in a comparable position (Accounting Act, Section 7). Accordingly, the signature of a person authorised to sign is not sufficient for signing the financial statements of a corporation or foundation.