Online services
Please note that the guidelines below are for Taike’s current online services. Calls for applications will gradually be transferred to the new online service, guidelines for which can be found on the service’s own pages. Information about which online service to use for applying will be provided with each call for applications.
All Taike grants can be applied for electronically using our e-services. Please note that our e-services cannot be accessed on mobile devices.
Read the call for applications carefully before filling in an application. The call for applications includes details about the terms, application period and what attachments to include with your application.
The connection will time out automatically after 30 minutes if the service is not used. Remember to save your work regularly. All information that you have saved will be retained despite the connection timeout.
To access our e-services, first you must log in. For this you will need one of the following:
- Personal eBanking identifiers (Finnish)
- Personal mobile certificate
- Personal electronic ID card
Taike's online services work best with the following browser versions:
- Mozilla Firefox, version 52 or later
- Google Chrome, version 70 or later
- Edge Chromium
If you are a new customer, the "Omat tiedot" (Personal details) page will open automatically after logging in. Fill in the requested information, after which it will be stored in Taike’s customer register.
If you have used Taike's online services before, the "Avoimet haut" (Open calls for applications) page will open after logging in. Check your contact information on the "Omat tiedot" (Personal details) page before filling in a new application. You can then return to the "Avoimet haut" (Open calls for applications) page.
You can store two addresses in the customer register, one for Finland and one for a foreign residence, if necessary. The country of residence setting determines which one is used.
Include your preferred bank account number on the "Omat tiedot" (Personal details) page and it will be stored in Taike's customer register, so every time you fill in a new application it will be included automatically. Note, however, that changing your bank details on an application will not automatically change your bank details on the "Omat tiedot" (Personal details) page.
If your bank details change, remember to update the information on the "Omat tiedot" (Personal details) page. This will not affect applications that have already been sent or processed. If you would like to change your bank details for applications that have been approved, please contact Taike’s customer service.
The system does not yet accept foreign bank details, so if you have access only to a foreign bank account, please contact Taike’s customer service.
Grants are not paid to the accounts of associations, cooperatives, companies, foundations or other communities, so do not include any such accounts on your application.
You can also include separate bank details on each application. In this case, the bank details you provide on the application shall be used only for payments related to that specific application and will not affect the bank details stored in Taike's customer register and used for other payments.
It is possible to authorise another person to act on your behalf on Taike’s e-services. Electronic authorisations can be obtained using the online service, where you can also manage all your mandates.
Personal customers of Taike require only one mandate: Applying for subsidies and maintaining information (Valtion avustusten hakeminen ja tietojen ylläpito). This mandate allows the assignee to prepare applications for discretionary government transfers and measures related to the transfers, submit them for processing, withdraw an application and maintain information related to the assignor on behalf of the assignor. Please note that you are responsible for keeping your mandates up to date.
Before authorising someone to act on your behalf, read the instructions carefully on the website.
If you are applying for a grant as a working group (this applies only to project grants), the application should be made by the contact person for the working group.
The contact person of the working group can fill in an application using their own eBanking identifiers on Taike’s e-services. The contact person must include in the application the names and dates of birth of the other members of the working group. The contact person must also include a CV for each member of the working group or a summary of the CVs of all members.
Each member of the working group is responsible for how the grant funds are spent and for providing clarification. The contact person for the working group is responsible for submitting the clarification by the deadline.
Working grants (including artist grants, regional working grants, library grants and public display grants) are not awarded to working groups.
Open calls for applications are listed on the "Avoimet haut" (Open calls for applications) page under “Alueelliset apurahat ja avustukset” (Regional grants and subsidies) and “Valtakunnalliset apurahat ja avustukset” (State grants and subsidies). If you have logged in to Taike’s e-services as a personal customer, you will see only grants for individuals and working groups.
Begin a new application from the "Avoimet haut" (Open calls for applications) page. Choose the grant you want to apply for and select "Tee uusi hakemus" (New application). Then select the language in which you prefer to apply (Finnish or Swedish). The default language is the same as the one that you used to log in with.
On the first page of the application you will see your personal details as stored in the customer register. If you would like to update your information, go to the "Omat tiedot" (Personal details) page. You can then return to the application from the "Omat hakemukset" (My applications) page under "Keskeneräiset" (Drafts).
Remember to save each page before you proceed to the next page.
When you send your application, it will be automatically saved on the "Omat hakemukset" (My applications) page under "Lähetetyt" (Sent). You will be notified by e-mail when your application has been entered into the system.
The accepted file formats and maximum number of appendices are specified on the application form. The maximum size for each attachment is 4 MB.
Do not use any protection, encryption or other security features on your appendices that could prevent your application from being processed.
Please note that the name of the attached file cannot include special characters (e.g. underscore or hyphen), spaces or any of the following: å, ä, ö.
On the "Omat hakemukset" (My applications) page you can view all your applications and their status.
Under "Keskeneräiset" (Drafts) you can see all the applications that you have been working on but not yet sent. You can continue working on these applications by clicking on "Muokkaa" (Edit). You can edit your application as often as you like within the application period until you click on "Lähetä" (Send).
Once the application period has ended, you can no longer send the application, but you can still view your drafts. The applications are listed in descending order with the one that you have worked on most recently at the top. You can change the order by clicking on the column headers.
Incomplete applications (drafts) cannot be viewed by Taike. You can remove your drafts at any time by clicking on "Poista" (Delete).
Under "Lähetetyt" (Sent) you can see all the applications that you have sent but that are still pending a decision. The applications are listed in descending order with the one that you have sent most recently on top. You can change the order by clicking on the column headers.
Sent applications are given a record number as soon as they are officially received and entered into Taike's system. If your application is not given a record number within a few days (if you see only a temporary application number accompanied by the text "Odottaa diaarinumeroa"), please contact Taike’s customer service. A short delay can be expected due to congestion, especially towards the end of the application period.You will be notified by e-mail when your application has been entered into the system.
You can find applications and attachments that you sent using the "Selaa" (Browse) link.
Under "Päätetyt" (Processed) you can see all the applications that you have sent and that have been processed. The applications are listed in descending order with the one that you have sent most recently on top. You can change the order by clicking on the column headers.
You will be informed by e-mail about all decisions. The decisions can be seen on the "Hakemuksen käsittelyvaiheet" (Status) page by clicking on the "Siirry asian tietoihin" (See details) link.
Before submitting your application, the system will ask you to check the section “Annan suostumukseni hakemusta koskevien päätösten sähköiseen tiedoksiantoon” (I give my consent to the electronic notification of decisions concerning my application). Consent means that the decision on the application you have submitted will be sent to you via our e-services. All other documents related to your application (such as change requests, clarifications) must also be submitted to Taike via our e-services.
Taike is a government agency, and the grant decisions we make are public. For example, the media is entitled to obtain information about all grant recipients.
Taike does not disclose confidential information. Matters related to a person's privacy, for example contact information and matters related to health and financial situation, are always confidential. Work plans are also confidential to the extent that they contain information considered to be business secrets, such as artistic ideas.
Taike submits information about all grant decisions for publication on the website (Act on Discretionary Government Grants 688/2001 and Government Decree 1394/2022). Applicants can choose when applying whether they consent to the publication of the decision on the Taike website. The submission of decision information to the service cannot be refused, however, even if the applicant has not given consent to the publication of their name on the Taike website.
If you consent to having your decision published on the Taike website and have entered your artist name on your application, your artist name will be published in connection with your official name.
When you have sent your application, it is added to the "Lähetetyt" (Sent) page. You will be notified by e-mail when your application has been entered into the system.
Edit application
It is important that your applications are as complete as possible already during the application period. However, you can still amend your applications for a short period afterwards, usually two weeks, by clicking on "Täydennä" (Edit) before the end of the supplementary period.
The maximum number of attachments is five and the maximum size for each attachment is 4 MB. You will be informed by e-mail when the changes have been entered into the system.
Cancel application
If your project is cancelled or changes significantly after submitting your application, you can cancel or edit the application. Notify Taike also if you have been awarded another grant for the same project after submitting your application.
If you want to cancel your application, log in to our e-services and click on the "Peruuta" (Cancel) link. You will be informed by e-mail when the cancellation has been entered into the system. If you would like to fill in a new application to replace the old one, we recommend that you send the new application first and only then cancel the old application.
To request a change to a positive grant decision, click on the "Siirry asian tietoihin" (See details) link on the "Päätetyt" (Processed) page. Then click on the "Muutospyyntö" (Request change) link and fill in the form. To do so, click on the type of change and describe the change you would like to make and the grounds for doing so. The terms and restrictions for grants are included with the decision and list the kinds of changes that are possible and when they should be made.
Clarification of how the grant was used must be submitted before the deadline stated on the decision. The clarification form can be found on our e-services on the "Päätetyt" (Processed) page under "Omat hakemukset" (My applications). Click on the “Siirry asian tietoihin” (See details) link for the grant in question. If you have been awarded multiple grants, make sure you submit clarification for the right grant.
Click on the “Selvity” (Clarification) link under “Valitse jatkotoimenpide” (Select further action). Fill in all the fields on the clarification form and then send the clarification.