Development programme for the working conditions of artists

This development programme aims to increase working opportunities for artists, improve livelihoods and promote occupational wellbeing.
Räppäri astumassa lavalle.

The objectives of the programme are: 

  • To increase working opportunities for artists
  • To develop networks that support regional artists
  • To spread fair remuneration practices and offer assistance in pricing, selling and procuring art
  • To promote occupational wellbeing services for artists

The regional artists involved in the programme oversee projects in various fields of the arts throughout Finland. Alongside these, national projects are also implemented, such as the fair art communications campaign and the occupational wellbeing for artists project. 

The regional artists work in close collaboration with artist associations, municipalities, companies, cultural institutes, third-sector actors and individual artists. The aim is to have an impact on regional and national practices, highlight the expertise of local experts in regions, and create new working opportunities for artists.

The development programme for the working conditions of artists is continuous and based on the statutory mission of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike). The priorities of the programme are reviewed every few years. 

Expert team

Henkilön kasvot.
Susanna Mäki-Oversteyns
Job title
Special Advisor

+358 295 330 837

Kasvokuva Anne Lehtelästä.
Anne Lehtelä
Job title
Arts Advisor

+358 295 330 868

Janne Rosenvallin kasvot.
Janne Rosenvall
Job title
Regional Artist

+358 295 330 860

Janne Niskalan kasvot.
Janne Niskala
Job title
Regional Artist

+358 295 330 858

Katriina Haikala puolikuvassa harmaan taustan edessä musta paita yllään
Katriina Haikala
Job title
Artist Expert

+358 295 330 805

Marita Seitsalo
Job title
Arts Advisor

0295 330 873