Document publicity

This document publicity description provides information about what documented information is held by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), what datasets are formed by this information, and which information systems are used to process the information.

Official documents are in the public domain unless their publicity is restricted by law. Everyone has the right to receive information about a public document. This webpage contains Taike’s document publicity description, the purpose of which is to provide information about requesting information.

Taike maintains a description of the information pools and case register managed by it in accordance with Section 28 of the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019).

Taike is a state aid authority that allocates grants and subsidies. Grants are intended for individuals or working groups formed by them. Subsidies are intended for registered and legal entities, such as organisations, associations, cooperatives and companies, as well as municipalities.

In addition to allocating state aid, Taike manages other administrative matters related to its activities.

Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019)

Right of access to official documents

Official documents are in the public domain unless specifically provided otherwise in the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) or another Act.

An official document is a document prepared by an authority or a person in the service of an authority. It can also be a document delivered to the authority for the purpose of handling the matter or otherwise in connection with a matter within the competence or duties of the authority.

You may also have the right to access a confidential document if the information contained in it concerns your own matter or if you are a party to the matter in question.

Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999)

Information and documents online

The following information held by Taike can be accessed online:

  • allocated grants and subsidies (since 2008)
  • evaluation of its own activities
  • publications of arts councils and the research unit and other publications
  • statistics.

Technical interface

The information in Taike’s electronic case management systems cannot be accessed through a technical interface.

Datasets and document register

Arkki case management system

Matters handled by Taike are recorded in the Arkki case management system. Arkki is a VirastoVahva case management solution provided by the Government ICT Centre Valtori that meets the legal requirements for case management and archiving.

The Arkki case management system is used to process administrative matters other than state aid matters within the competence or duties of Taike. For example, Arkki is used to record requests for statements and clarifications received by Taike, as well as procurement and contract documents and other matters to be recorded. Arkki also contains the minutes of state and regional art councils and their departments, as well as Taike’s administrative decisions.

The system is used to store documents that are delivered to Taike and documents related to the matter that are prepared by Taike. 

The key search criteria for cases in the Arkki case management system are as follows:

  • case title
  • case diary number
  • case date starting/ending
  • contacts: initiator, participant
  • responsible organisation
  • responsible person
  • task class ID.

The key search criteria for documents in the Arkki case management system are as follows:

  • case title
  • contacts: sender, recipient, copy
  • content search
  • date received
  • document date starting/ending
  • document number
  • document title
  • document type
  • responsible organisation
  • responsible person
  • sender reference
  • task class ID
  • task classification.

Other information systems

As a rule, general administration datasets are processed and stored in the Arkki case management system. In addition, materials are processed in the following shared public administration information systems:

  • Kieku – Main financial and human resources administration system
  • – Recruitment system 
  • Handi – Procurements and purchase invoice management system
  • M2 – Travel and access management system.

How to make a request for information

If you cannot find the information you are looking for online or from other sources, you can request it from Taike. Information request should be sent to Taike's Registry.

Information requests and their processing are recorded in the Arkki case management system.

The information request must be specific enough for us to clarify which documents it concerns.

If necessary, we can assist you in targeting your request to the right document.

A charge may be levied for providing documents and retrieving information in accordance with Section 34 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities.

If it is not possible to make the information that you have requested available to you, you are entitled to a written decision stating this. Once you have got a decision, you can make an appeal.

Contact information for Registry

[email protected]

Phone (switchboard): +358 (0)295 330 900

Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Hakaniemenranta 6
P.O. Box 1001, FI-00531 Helsinki