
Occupational wellbeing for artists

This project aims to develop the occupational wellbeing of professional artists by reducing the stress of artistic work, for example by means of supervision and strengthening collegiality.
Project status:
Käsin piirretty kuva, jossa taiteilija nukkuu tietokoneen johtojen varassa. Taiteilijan vatsan päällä nukkuu kissa.

Developing a permanent operating model

The research and expert information gathered in this pilot project is being utilised to develop a permanent operating model aimed at professional artists working in Finland. The operating model comprises services that support occupational wellbeing, such as supervision and coaching, as well as training that corresponds to the needs of artists.

Co-design project

This is a “co-design” project in which the new operating model is being developed in collaboration with artists and work supervisors, researchers and other experts in the arts sector.

Project phases