
First ESF+ projects selected within Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise theme

Funding within the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise ESF+ theme has been awarded to nine projects after the first application round. The selected projects cover such areas as sustainable culture tourism, the audiovisual sector, music and the visual arts. The next call for applications will be announced in the second half of 2024.
Kuvituskuva. Kolme hahmoa turkoosilla taustalla.
Co-funded by the European Union logo.

The first call for applications for projects within the national ESF+ theme was announced in spring 2023. The ELY Centre for Häme, which serves as the funding authority for the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise ESF+ theme, has now selected the projects to be funded after the first round.

A total of 80 projects applied for funding within the ESF+ theme. Of these, 30 fulfilled all the selection criteria, and nine were ultimately selected for funding.

The selection criteria included such factors as national impact, a needs-based approach, developing operations or new solutions, promoting expertise and collaboration, and embedding and utilising the project results. The selection criteria are described in full in the call for applications (in Finnish and Swedish).

All the selected projects broadly promote the creative industries and creative economy. The selected projects cover such areas as sustainable culture tourism, the audiovisual sector, music and the visual arts. The selected projects are listed below.

“The selected projects include many collaboration projects with universities of applied sciences that promote the creative industries in diverse ways. The next application round will focus more on specific actors within the arts, culture and creative industries,” says Minna Taipale, Financing Specialist at the ELY Centre for Häme.

Of the 6 million euros allocated for the first application round, a total of 4.9 million euros has been awarded to the selected projects. The remaining amount shall be transferred to the next application round. The total amount allocated for the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise ESF+ theme over the 2021–2027 period is 13.6 million euros.

The ELY Centre for Häme has contacted the applicants, and the official funding decisions shall be made during November and December 2023.

The next call for applications within the theme will be announced in the second half of 2024.


Support for selected projects and the next call for applications

The Creative Net team under the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) has provided info briefings, workshops and sparring for applicants and others interested in funding.

The Creative Net will continue to work with the selected projects with the aim of strengthening the arts, culture and creative sectors. In addition, the Creative Net will provide support to experts in the creative industries in the next application round.

“In the next round, we aim to help especially smaller actors to refine their project ideas to better suit the ESF+ selection criteria. A key aim is to help them find the right networks that operate on a national level,” says Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Project Manager for the Creative Net.


Further information

Applying and evaluation of applications: Minna Taipale, Financing Specialist, ELY Centre for Häme, [email protected], +358 (0)295 025 106 Available as of 30 October 2023.

Development of project ideas and sparring: Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Project Manager, Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), [email protected], +358 (0)295 330 912

Press release: Luovan ja kulttuurialan innovaatio-osaaminen: kevään haun hankevalinnat tehty, Hämeen ELY-keskus (in Finnish)


Selected projects

Projects and implementers selected in the first application round:

Luovien alojen projekti- ja kehittämisosaaminen työllistämisen ja työllistymisen tukena 
Applicant: Humak University of Applied Sciences

Applicant: Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Taide, teknologia ja kestävä matkailu -innovaatioalusta
Implementer of the main project: Satakunta University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: University of Tampere Foundation, LAB University of Applied Sciences

Luovat Web3 ajassa 
Implementer of the main project: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: Häme University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Humak University of Applied Sciences

AV UP – Uutta osaamista av-alalle 
Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: City of Tampere, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, City of Turku, Omnia, the Joint Authority of Education in the Espoo region

Tekoäly luovan ja kulttuurialan ekosysteemissä – LuovAIn!
Implementer of the main project: University of Turku Implementers of sub-projects: University of Oulu, LAB University of Applied Sciences, University of Tampere Foundation

Tuottajakeskus Living Lab
Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Humak University of Applied Sciences, Live FIN ry

Kuvataiteilijan uusi työ- ja ansaintakenttä 
Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences Implementers of sub-projects: University of Lapland, Globe Art Point ry

Implementer of the main project: Rytmi-instituutti Supporters’ Association Implementers of sub-projects: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences